The Validity E-modules of Riau Local Wisdom Based to Enhance Students’ Creative Thinking through Research
1Siti Isnaini Fauziah, 2Yuni Sri Rahayu, 3Mahanani Tri Asri
1,2,3Faculty of mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Surabaya, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i2-47

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Good teaching materials in learning need to include facts and phenomena. In addition, it provides opportunities for students to carry out research activities to practice creative thinking skills. The study aims to describe the validity of e-modules that can enhance students' creative thinking skills through utilizing the environment as a learning resource based on Riau's local wisdom to maintain the sustainability of the ecosystem through student research activities. This study uses a development model with research and development (R&D) methods which refer to the 4D development model. The research instrument used in this study is an e-module validation sheet for education expert lecturers and material expert lecturers to be analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively from the aspects of content feasibility, presentation feasibility, and linguistic feasibility. Based on the validation carried out, the average validity score of all aspects was 89,74% with very valid criteria. The validity score includes aspects of content feasibility of 90,71% with a very valid category, 89,17% presentation feasibility with a very valid category and linguistic feasibility of 89,35% with a very valid category. These results indicate that the developed e-module is suitable for use in learning biology on environmental pollution materials. Based on the student response questionnaire, the overall e-module eligibility category was 94%. The presentation feasibility aspect was 94,28%, language feasibility was 92%, and content feasibility was 93,34%, each with a very positive category. This means that e-modules that have been developed can support students to think creatively


Creative thinking, E-module, Lokal wisdom, Research, and Validity


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